lunes, septiembre 14, 2009

Hansen Clinic » Collagen

Our price: $0.58
Prevacid (Lansoprazole) decreases the amount of acid produced in the stomach.
Our price: $0.51
Zyloprim (Allopurinol) is used to lower blood uric acid levels.
Our price: $0.40
Nexium is used to treat symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other conditions involving excessive stomach acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Our price: $0.42
Pepcid is used for treating and preventing ulcers. It is also used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), conditions that cause increased acid secretion, and esophagitis.
Our price: $0.64
Prilosec (Omeprazole) blocks the production of acid by the stomach.
Our price: $0.32
Tagamet is used for treating and preventing ulcers of the stomach and small intestine, and treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Our price: $26.24
Gasex helps in digestion by exerting carminative, antispasmodic, antiflatulent and antacid actions.
Our price: $0.82
Aciphex (Rabeprazole) decreases the amount of acid produced in your stomach.
Our price: $0.46
Protonix (Pantoprazole) is used to treat erosive esophagitis (damage to the esophagus from stomach acid).
Our price: $0.74
Metoclopramide works by increasing the movement of the stomach and intestines to help move food and acid out of the stomach more quickly.
Our price: $0.53
Bentyl (Dicyclomine) is used for treating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Our price: $0.42
Zantac (Ranitidine) is used for treating certain conditions that cause your body to make too much stomach acid.
Our price: $0.95
Allopurinol is used for treating gout and high uric acid levels in the blood or urine caused by certain types of cancer chemotherapy.
Our price: $0.53
Ranitidine is used for treating certain conditions that cause your body to make too much stomach acid (e.g., Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).
Our price: $2.92
Carafate (Sucralfate) is used for treating and preventing ulcers.
Our price: $1.36
Cytotec (Misoprostol) is used to prevent stomach ulcers while you take NSAIDs (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen).
Colon Clean Supreme
Colon Clean Supreme
Our price: $39.84
Colon Clean Supreme is an extra strength colon cleanser.
Super Antiox GSE
Super Antiox GSE
Our price: $39.14
Super Antiox GSE is a herbal antioxidant and increases antioxidant levels in body.
Our price: $1.03
Reglan (Metoclopramide) is used for the short term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
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