lunes, septiembre 14, 2009

Aciclovir News, Research

Women's Health
Female Viagra
Female Viagra
Our price: $1.35
Female Viagra (Sildenafil) is scientifically formulated to provide intense sexual satisfaction for women seeking ultimate pleasure.
Female Passion Strips
Female Passion Strips
Our price: $0.98
Female Passion Strips increase blood flow to the clitoris and will cause an increase in a sexual response and enhance sensitivity.
Our price: $0.64
Alesse (Levonorgestrel/ Ethinyl Estradiol) works by preventing ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary) and causing changes in the mucus of the cervix which make it difficult for sperm to penetrate and for an egg to implant.
Our price: $1.01
Aygestin (Norethindrone) is a progestin hormone used for treating certain menstrual problems or uterine problems.
Plan B
Plan B
Our price: $6.63
Plan B (Levonorgestrel) is used to help prevent pregnancy in women who have had unprotected sex.
Ortho Tri-Cyclen
Ortho Tri-Cyclen
Our price: $2.55
Ortho Tri-Cyclen(Ethinyl Estradiol/Norgestimate) is indicated for the prevention of pregnancy in women who elect to use oral contraceptives as a method of contraception, a highly effective one for pregnancy prevention.
KamaSutra Dotted Condoms
KamaSutra Dotted Condoms
Our price: $0.71
KamaSutra Dotted Condoms have specially moulded dots on the outside to stimulate and intensify the pleasure of Love Making.
KamaSutra Ribbed Condoms
KamaSutra Ribbed Condoms
Our price: $0.71
KamaSutra Ribbed Condoms are designed to stimulate the vagina or anus of the person being penetrated, and most women are sensitive enough to these bumps to feel a better insertion effect.
KamaSutra Contoured Condoms
KamaSutra Contoured Condoms
Our price: $0.71
KamaSutra Contoured Condoms are specially shaped contoured and designed for a closer perfect fit.
KamaSutra SuperThin Condoms
KamaSutra SuperThin Condoms
Our price: $0.71
KamaSutra SuperThin Condom is the thinnest, roomiest condom available-to-date with a silky smooth lubricant for ultra sensation and a unique comfort design for sheer sensitivity.
KamaSutra LongLast Condoms
KamaSutra LongLast Condoms
Our price: $0.71
KamaSutra LongLast Condoms are Climax Control dotted condoms with a specially formulated lubricant that will help you last much longer.
KamaSutra Intensity Condoms
KamaSutra Intensity Condoms
Our price: $0.71
KamaSutra Intensity Condoms have specially molded ribs and dots on the outside which provide the right stimulation for women during the intercourse.
Our price: $2.92
Parlodel (Bromocriptine) is used to treat persistent breast milk production, lack of a menstrual period, infertility, and other conditions associated with high prolactin levels.
Our price: $1.43
Evista (Raloxifene) is used to prevent and treat bone loss (osteoporosis) in women after menopause.
Our price: $30.32
Menosan is a unique complex herbal formula that helps women to cope with symptoms, associated with menopause.
Our price: $0.53
Serophene (Clomiphene) is used for treating female infertility.
Our price: $0.58
Clomid (Clomiphene) is used for treating female infertility.
Our price: $7.54
Arimidex (Anastrozole) is an aromatase inhibitor used to treat breast cancer in women after menopause.
Our price: $1.86
Danazol (Danazol) is a synthetic hormone, used to treat pain and infertility caused by endometriosis.
Our price: $3.50
Femcare (Clotrimazole vaginal) is an antifungal agent used to treat vaginal yeast infections.
Our price: $3.44
Femara (Letrozole) is used to treat postmenopausal women with breast cancer.
Our price: $1.17
Lynoral (Ethinyl Estradiol) is a synthetic estrogen that is used to prevent pregnancy.
Our price: $26.24
Evecare regulates the menstrual cycle by virtue of its uterine stimulant action.
Our price: $0.69
Fosamax (Alendronate) is indicated for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
Menopause Gum
Menopause Gum
Our price: $0.98
Menopause Gum is the relief of menopausal symptoms, naturally and without a prescription.
Our price: $6.37
Dostinex (Cabergoline) is used for treating disorders associated with high prolactin levels: persistent breast milk production, lack of a menstrual period, infertility, and other conditions.
Our price: $21.57
Lukol is an indigenous tablet preparation which is administered orally for the treatment of non-specific leucorrhoea.
Head Strong
Head Strong
Our price: $0.75
Head Strong is a multivitamin and mineral formula designed to keep hair strong, healthy and shiny.
Our price: $1.08
Mircette (Ethinyl Estradiol/Desogestrel) is used as contraception to prevent pregnancy.
Our price: $0.70
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is used for treating breast cancer in women.
Our price: $0.84
Nymphomax is designed for women to increase blood flow and heighten sensation by activating the body's natural hormone production.
Testosterone Booster Patch
Testosterone Booster Patch
Our price: $1.66
Testosterone Booster Patches are used to treat the symptoms of low testosterone in men and women who do not produce enough natural testosterone.
Our price: $0.44
Yohimbe-1200 is one of the most popular supplements, used by in men and women that is converted into Yohimbine and assimilated into the bloodstream.
Our price: $0.92
Soothenol is a safe and soothing formula is intended to ease the PMS symptoms.
Our price: $20.67
Xeloda (Capecitabine) is used for treating women with breast cancer that is resistant to other more commonly-used drugs.
Our price: $1.08
Zelnorm (Tegaserod) is used for the short-term treatment of women with IBS whose primary bowel symptom is constipation.
Our price: $3.50
Mycelex-G (Clotrimazole vaginal) is an antifungal agent used to treat vaginal yeast infections.
Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto
Our price: $0.75
Saw Palmetto is used to tone and strengthen male and female reproductive systems.
Our price: $2.92
Didronel (Etidronate) is used to treat osteoporosis (thinning of bone) in women after menopause.
Our price: $0.64
Levlen (Levonorgestrel) is used to prevent pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation.
Our price: $3.50
Gyne-Lotrimin is used for treating vaginal yeast infections.
Our price: $0.40
Fluoxetine is used for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of premenstrual syndrome.
Our price: $1.06
Premarin (Conjugated Estrogens) is used for treating the symptoms of menopause.
Our price: $2.79
Prometrium (Progesterone) is a female hormone used to protect the lining of the uterus in women on estrogen replacement therapy.
Our price: $0.74
Sarafem (Fluoxetine) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
Our price: $0.57
Ponstel (Mefenamic Acid) is indicated for treating the menstrual pain.
Herbal Testosterone
Herbal Testosterone
Our price: $0.38
Herbal Testosterone is an effective and safe way to multiply your testosterone by 500%.
Our price: $0.57
Provera is used for treating certain menstrual problems or uterine problems (e.g., abnormal bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia).
Female Libido Patch
Female Libido Patch
Our price: $1.66
Female Libido Patch is the formula for women who need to super charge their libido, get back that lust for their love life.
High Absorption Magnesium
High Absorption Magnesium
Our price: $0.42
High Absorption Magnesium is a dietary mineral with a wide array of biological activities in the body.
Our price: $1.01
Estrace (Estradiol) is used for treating conditions due to menopause (e.g., hot flashes; vaginal itching, burning, or dryness), treating vulval or vaginal atrophy, and preventing osteoporosis (brittle bones).
Our price: $0.72
Aciclovir is used for treating chickenpox (varicella) or shingles (herpes zoster) and treating or suppressing genital herpes infections.
Testosterone Booster Strips
Testosterone Booster Strips
Our price: $25.46
Testosterone Booster Strips are used for treating symptoms of low testosterone in adult men when their bodies do not make any testosterone or not enough testosterone (hypogonadism). It may be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.
Our price: $2.92
Yasmin (Drospirenone/Ethinyl Estradiol) is used for preventing pregnancy. It is also used to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) or certain types of acne in women who are using Yasmin for birth control.
Female Cialis
Female Cialis
Our price: $1.45
Female Cialis represents a serious approach to the problem of female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) and female sexual dysfunction (FSD), formulated scientifically to provide satisfaction in terms of sexual needs and lasting pleasure.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening Primrose Oil
Our price: $0.55
Evening Primrose Oil is used for supplementing certain essential fatty acids in the diet.
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